Adult & Teen Challenge 5K

Emmanuel's registration is now closed!

Registration is now closed!

Although our registration has closed, you may sign up individually here. You will be responsible for all costs but can still select our team (listed as Emmanuel) under the registration process to stay with our Emmanuel team.

Contact Info: For any questions, please email

Adult & Teen Challenge's Invitation to Run or Walk With Them

Why Join Us?

On Saturday, May 18th, 2024, join us at Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts, for the 8th Annual Run to End Addiction 5K. Whether you run or walk, you're taking a stand against addiction, impacting communities across Massachusetts and New England. Your participation supports those battling addiction and alcoholism and honors the memory of those we've lost. This important occasion will unite individuals and families in a shared mission of freedom, change, and healing. Each participant receives an 8th Annual Run to End Addiction T-shirt, Medal, and Swag Bag, and is welcomed to a cookout with complimentary food, refreshments, resources, and activities.

Like a race, recovery demands training, perseverance, and daily commitment to a sober, transformative lifestyle. With alcoholism, drug addiction, and a record amount of overdoses devastating the lives of so many, your attendance, support, and encouragement provide hope to countless men and women.