Men's Ministry

With Church of Emmanuel

The Men's Ministry aims to promote men's spiritual growth, fostering a deeper love and knowledge of God through prayer and an increased understanding of the Bible. Through authentic and honest engagement, we inspire men to embrace their God-given mission as leaders.

Men, come join us in our events and small groups! Become a part of a God-centered ministry that activates, empowers, and nourishes the discipling of men here at Emmanuel.

Upcoming Events!

Our church's Men's Breakfasts meet monthly from 8 to 9:30 AM! It's a great opportunity for men of all ages to come together for a hearty meal, meaningful fellowship, and spiritual encouragement. Whether you're a regular attendee or new to the group, you're welcome to join us as we reconnect, share life experiences, and grow in our faith together. We look forward to seeing you there! Make sure to sign up by using the link below.

Men's Small Groups:

If you're seeking deeper fellowship and spiritual growth, we encourage you to join one of our Men's Small Groups. These gatherings provide a meaningful space to strengthen your faith, share life experiences, and connect with other men. Visit the Small Group page below to find a group that fits you—take the step today and start building lasting connections!

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or would like more information about our Men’s Ministry, feel free to reach out to us at Whether you’re interested in joining a small group, attending an event, or learning more about our programs, we’re here to help and would love to connect with you!