The Gospel

The Good News

Where did we come from?


He is never-ending goodness, power, and perfection and yet He is also close, personal, and loving. He created everything; nothing is an accident or chance, including you! Why did God create? The answer is not that He needed people to love. The God of the Bible exists as Father, Son and Spirit and lives in complete love and joy. He created so that He could share that love and fullness and joy with everyone, including you.

Why did things go wrong?


Instead of living under God’s care, authority, and protection, the whole human race turned away from God and decided we wanted to be our own boss. The result of that relationship being fractured is that all other relationships are now fractured. Every part of our lives: spiritual, psychological, social and physical are breaking apart. Sin means we are guilty. Since God deserves to be the center and we have snubbed Him, we owe Him a debt that has to be paid.

What will put things right?


The God who we snubbed wrote Himself into the story by coming in person to deal with the problem. Jesus Christ came as the perfect God in human form to be our substitute. Because there was a debt owed, it could not be written off. It had to be paid for. Jesus loved us so much, He was willing to pay the price we owed: death. Jesus rose from the dead and promised to return to fully restore everything the way God dreamed of when He created the universe.

How can I be put right?


This news about Jesus’ life and teachings needs to be responded to personally. His life and death are for you, but only if you recognize that you cannot put yourself right. Religion is you trying to save yourself, Christianity is transferring our trust from ourselves to Him in every area of life.

A simple prayer...

“Father, accept me into your family, not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus has done in my place.” This decision leads into a whole new principle of life, living for Him, according to the Bible, and in Christian community. If you have done that today let us know so we can help you get started in this new way of life."